"Alchemy is all about recognizing that the inside is the outside, that the outside is the inside."
Tyler Ellison is a magnetic force of ancient magick and modern mysticism. A Metaphysical Magician and Acupuncturist, Tyler fuses the realms of spirit and science, guiding those who seek to unlock the divine power within. As a Certified Instructor of the Universal Healing Dao, he leads his students on journeys of profound transformation, awakening the soul’s hidden potential.

Widely known for his channeling of RYOKAH, a hybrid ET being from the Sassanian civilization, Tyler also communicates with Egyptian Gods, Goetic spirits, and Archangels. His teachings are an intoxicating blend of esoteric knowledge and cutting-edge energy work, offering those in his presence the keys to master their spiritual essence and access their deepest magick. In Tyler’s world, the mystical becomes real, and the extraordinary is within your grasp.

Who I Channel
Your Angelic Guardian
Unlock the Wisdom of Your Angelic Guardian

Step into your divine purpose. Embrace your true power.

There is a presence that has been with you, watching, guiding, and protecting you since the beginning. This being is your Angelic Guardian—an ancient, divine force here to help you uncover your deepest truths and activate the full potential of your soul.
What if you could meet them?
What if their wisdom could illuminate your life’s purpose?
What if you could unlock gifts that have been waiting to awaken inside you?
This is more than a channeling session—it’s a life-changing encounter with your highest self. Through the skillful work of Tyler Ellison, a prolific spiritual channeler and renowned for his transformative work with RYOKAH, you will be connected to your specific Angelic Guardian.

After this session, you’ll walk away empowered, with personal techniques to continue your relationship with this sacred being—giving you the tools to call upon their presence whenever needed. The time is now to step into your true self. Say yes to your Ascension.

Please Provide Birth Date in the notes section during the booking of the session. This will be needed for connecting to the Angelic Guardian.

What to Expect:

• Discover your personal purpose: Learn why you are here, and the divine mission awaiting you.
• Activate your hidden gifts and powers: Receive techniques and rituals to harness your abilities and align with your destiny.
• Meet your Angelic Guardian: Learn their name, qualities, associations, and how they’re guiding you.
• Personalized guidance: Answers to your most powerful questions, channeled with clarity and purity.
Ryokah of The Sassani
The Sassani are a hybrid ET race about 300 years in the future, they represent the blending of humanity and the extraterrestrial begins known as the Greys. They are a quasi-physical species and represent the balance of light and dark. They utilize the energies of unconditional love and excitement to organize their civilization and their lives. 

Riok went through many changes as I worked with him, for I decided to make him my primary entity, and me and him have been working together since 2019. His name shifted to Ryok, then to Ryo, and most recently Ryokah, representing the ascended dimension of his consciousness.

Ryokah is nonphysical and his consciousness is the result of the blending of grey, human and angelic
frequencies. To me he appears to me possess some of the features iconic to the greys such as slender
limbs and a large head, with angelic properties such as wings and a glowing aura. 

His body appears to be made of stars and pixels of light. The channeled information from Ryokah is incredibly thought-provoking, insightful and unique. I find myself accessing his wisdom for guidance in my own life, and many have found his information to be wonderfully relevant and useful in their own journeys. 

Ryokah delivers esoteric information related to the structure and nature of the existence, the history of universe, and why we are here having these experiences. 

He also dives into a person’s life path and can perform what is he calls a soul reading, to assist people in understanding the nature of their lives and what innate esoteric powers and themes are relevant to them.

About the Session
During the beginning of the session we can take some time to get to know each other, if you have any questions for me you can present them during this time. 

We can also use this time to set up recording features as well. I’ll then take a few moments to get into the channeling state through some breathing exercises and visualization. Ill close my eyes and make contact with my ET counterpart RyoKah. 

Usually during the session, my eyes are closed the entire time, however, for some portions my eyes may open
and this is usually if me and Ryokah are using a tool, such as a calculator or clock for calculations regarding a person’s life path number and soul reading.

The actual channeling last anywhere from 50-65 minutes depending on how long we spend chatting during the introduction portion. There is no limit to the amount of questions you may ask, we encourage that you organize your questions from most important to least important, and that the questions be focused on you and your life/spiritual process.

 The answers Ryokah provides vary in length depending on the nature of the subject matter. In many instances his answers are very comprehensive and will provide great detail into the nature of the inquiry. 

In some instances, he may actually present questions to gather more information before providing a full answer, and in other instances his answers may be incredibly simple, it all depends on the type of question he is presented with.

When the Channeling is finished Ryokah will give a farewell and I will return to a more normalized state of consciousness. My eyes will open, and we can take a few moments to reflect on the session and your experience. 

For me the channeling state feels like my mind as shifted into another dimension all together, it is almost like I am not in the same room anymore. My sense of mind and body feel incredibly expanded and it is almost as if the words Ryokah shares through me are perceived as subtle feelings or vibrations, and they are then translated into words through my brain and nervous system. The state can be incredibly blissful and relaxing.
About the Livestream
During our monthly livestream events we open with a warm greeting, sharing our gratitude and appreciation with our audience and explain the basic guidelines for asking questions to RYOKAH.

We then dive into an opening teaching where RYOKAH will discuss in depth information on our monthly topic. After the teaching we have a Q/A portion where the audience may interact directly with RYOKAH and can share with him their questions and experiences the questioners may ask RYOKAH directly their questions or may type them into the chat.

 Following the Q and A portion we shift into a meditation designed to reinforce the nature of the teaching and to dive into an immersive shared space where the teaching is then psychically explored together.
"We are what you consider to be a collective of extradimensional beings. 

The members of our collective that represents us, that speaks for us, is the being you called Ryo. And we together act as a team to you. 

We would be considered extraterrestrial in nature, however, we are not physical as you are, we exist in a sort of in-between space that blends physicality and none physicality, so in that way, you can consider us to be extradimensional beings.

Utilizing our telepathy we are able to interact with the channel across space, across time to transmit to him different frequencies of energy that his brain and nervous system translates as ideas, concepts and techniques and teachings that are then shared with all of you."
"We specialize in what you consider to be PSYCHIC ACTIVATION - we guide individuals on your world in ways that enable them to activate more of what you call your sixth sense, their ESP, and we guide beings on your planets in ways that allow them to understand how to more easily co-create different desired reality experiences in your life.

In addition to this, we also provide the idea of readings, we are with our extradimensional senses capable of understanding a great deal about - simply through observing your energy and understanding a little bit about your life - we can present to you a great deal of information in relation to your soul theme, your path of purpose, your path of destiny and why you are here.

We also enjoy sharing with your world information about the nature of existence, the nature of the divine, the nature of the cosmos, and methodologies that you can use to strengthen your connection and your relationship to existence itself."

 - Ryo


"I’ve personally only benefitted from Ryo’s messages. They are continually uplifting and inspiring, leaving clues from my higher self to my true self. Tyler is a prolific, balanced teacher and channel. 

I only have the highest praise for them! "
Karisssa Wiescamp
Reality Transformation Coach and International Speaker
Tyler does such a brilliant job of clearly channeling & delivering the communication and information from the E.T. being Ryo, and it has positively impacted so many people in Japan via numerous online events and YouTube transmissions.

Tyler's dedication & passion for improving himself coupled with his willingness to raise consciousness of human beings in broader scale is such a great gift for us at this transformational age.

Needless to say that, as an E.T. being 300 years into our future, Ryo's information is so valuable & practical for the human evolution at this time, not only for the world to come together as one, but to prerare us for the open contact with E.T.s in coming years.
Akira Iwase
Public Speaker, Author, and Translator in the field of Spirituality
“The Tyler Ellison/Ryo combination brings to humanity a greater hope that we will soon graduate from the limited Earth plan experience. Allowing such hyper dimensional energies to interact with the human realm models the characteristics for creating a new exchange of consciousness. 

I am so happy to know Tyler because he has dedicated his life to transformation- of others and himself. And his work is a gift to 
all of us.

 I’ve facilitated a number of group Q&A sessions with Ryo. These were very illuminating and activating experiences and amazing opportunities to connect with a benevolent and wise ET consciousness such as Ryo. I highly recommend diving into Tyler’s channelings. In my eyes, he’s one of the clearest and most dynamic vocal channelers available. "
Erin Elliot
Massage Therapist, Explorer of Consciousness, and friend of extraterrestrials.


This is a magical system that involves invoking angelic forces around your aura, and these angelic forces provide health, provide balance, provide power and they also carry out your will. So you give angels different jobs, different tasks and they assist you in manifesting your life in your dream and they are very very good at it, this is one of my favorite systems to practice


These are training classes where I share with people different esoteric techniques that are able to create health, vitality and power in the body, so you can feel more empowered in your life, so you can experience greater harmony in your soul in your spirit.

These Taoist techniques are designed at the basic level to give you that health and that power. At higher levels we use the Taoist practices to merge with the cosmos, to download the cosmic energy into us so we can give birth to the cosmic intelligence inside, and these processes are very wonderful, very blissful and they can absolutely change evergything about one’s life.


In these sessions I am using different types of energies to assist a person’s body in experiencing a state of balance and a state of wellness.

So we use subtle energy chi to really awaken the cells of the body, the organs of the body so the organs can come back into balance and the organ/cells can work together as a theme to assist you in your life.

Living From Your Heart

Messages from Ryo, an Extraterrestrial Being from the Sassani Civilization

Part I: Manifesting Your Desire

- State of desire with no expectation
- Act as if it happened already
- Resistance to preferred reality
- Manifestation of a baby
- How to let go of jealousy

Part II: Relationships

- What is "love"?
- Being happy vs. Being loved
- Family going against spirituality
- Negative reactions to your actions

Part III: Expanding Your Ability

- Connecting with higher realms
- How to better explain your inner sensation
- Being too powerful is boring?
- Paradox of high & low frequency

Part IV: Synergizing with Your Higher Self

- Is this message from higher self or ego?
- Free will of higher self vs. ego
- Emotional state of higher self
- Living from your heart

Monologue #1: “You are all things”

Part V: Physical Body & Health

- Can excitement exhaust you?
- Surrendering to your chronic disease
- How to purify water in urban areas
- What you resist persists
Part VI: Money & Abundance

- Pain as messenger for abundance
- Pricing strategies for your service
- Your true offering

Part VII: Theme & Purpose of Life

- Theme for unpreferred appearance
- Mission vs. Joy
- How people with disability help others

Part VIII: Future of Humanity

- How's ascension going?
- DNA, Free energy and A.I.
- New economic system

Monologue #2: “As above, so below”

Part IX: Nature & Education for Children

- How to expand the imagination of children
- Advice on education in general
- Living in harmony with nature

Part X: Super-Natural Phenomenon

- Spiraling energy during meditation
- Blue-white flashlight in the sky
- Activating power of ancient characters
- Shrines in Japan
- Working with dragons

Part XI: Sassanis

- Emotions of Sassanis
- Why Sassani can best support human
- Ryo’s dream

Final Message from Ryo

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Contact us at: thegalacticguide.info@gmail.com